I have been going to Chris for almost two years. I had been battling with Epstein Barr for years and I was so sick lymph nodes were flared up all over my body. After my first visit with Chris they were all balanced in two days! It was unbelievable! He has helped me with back and neck issues. Now he is helping me with some liver cysts and I know it’s working. He is able to help the body in ways I’ve never seen before. Don’t give up on healing yourself he will want to be apart of your health team! Chris has given me a new lease on life. I had an MRI and was diagnosed with sciatica and other related problems caused by the two lower vertebra. Walking was painful and there was little or no hope, according to my doctor, outside of an operation. After the first treatment from Chris I was walking much better, now I am mostly pain free. I highly recommend Chris for back and leg problems, it was my lucky day when I found him. After suffering with a constant pain in my left thigh for three months and trying other treatments, a friend suggested Chris. After one treatment last October 2016 the pain subsided markedly. Two treatments later the pain was gone and has not returned. I saw Chris after 3 years of "unexplained" numbness/tingling/decreased arm function. I've had multiple types of therapies and the arm problems would come back with any increase in use. After a couple of treatments, the numbness was decreasing and I could increase my activity. Each session, Chris enhanced my understanding of the intricacies of how body systems work to support one another while also discussing what I could do to support healing. Originally seeing him for arm and hand issues, he also addressed my lower back (14 years chronic pain) and migraines. His holistic approach is impressive and made me feel like a person while working with him, not a body part. Thanks, Chris, for working out the kinks and helping me build awareness as to things causing them. And thanks for sharing your passion and continued learning in this technique. I have a better quality of life--cooking, crafting, and exercising because I can actually do these without experiencing symptoms! Tori, It has been such a pleasure working with you and assisting you in your healing process. I went to see Chris about a knee problem that had been giving me pain for several months and was preventing me from enjoying my normal physical activities like walking, yoga, running and biking. After a couple months of treatment, simple stretches and exercises the pain is mostly gone and my flexibility has been restored. What I liked most about Chris’s approach was that he took a holistic view of the problem. He worked his way out from the knee ligaments to other connected areas of the body to restore balance and strength to the knees, lower back and abdomen. You can tell that he is passionate about continually learning and practicing his work which made me feel like I was working with the right person to solve the problem.

Left photo shows abnormal left knee/hip alignment (genu valgus a.k.a knock kneed) Right photo taken after 1 Counterstrain treatment showing normalized alignment of the hip/knee.