Why did you become a Physical Therapist?

I always knew I wanted to be in a profession where I could help people and make a difference.  As a teenager I was really into weightlifting, martial arts, and was intrigued by the workings of the human body.  My Aunt had injured her lower back and was seeing a physical therapist that was able to get her out of pain and back on her feet again.  As part of a high school assignment I needed to do a service project, so I decided to volunteer with her physical therapist.  Over the course of several months I fell in love with the idea of being able to help people reclaim their health and well being and knew that it would be the most rewarding career path for me.

What is Strain Counterstrain?

Strain Counterstrain is a gentle hands-on technique passed down to us through Dr. Lawrence Jones, D.O. This extremely effective approach removes the protective muscle guarding and pain reflexes from various types of connective tissue throughout your body.  Think of it as hitting the CONTROL+ALT+DELETE button on your body’s computer to reset muscle and connective tissue tension back to its normal healthy state.

Finding the cause(s) of symptoms is achieved through many different methods such as postural assessment, palpation, joint mobility, and observing functional movements..  A unique diagnostic characteristic of Counterstrain is the assessment of the bones of the skull for rigidity and pain that guide the practitioner where in the body and what system is dysfunctional. Tender points are then used to identify which structure(s) have been strained.  Strains can occur in the muscles, bones, joints, organs, nerves, and even in the blood vessels.

Release is achieved by either placing the body in positions of comfort and/or gentle pressure applied in a direction of ease and held for up to 90 seconds.  This allows for a quick return to your normal state of pain-free mobility, vitality, and function.  This method is gentle and profoundly effective when applied by an experienced practitioner, even when all other treatments have failed.

What is Fascia?

Fascia is the connective tissue network that is found coursing throughout your entire body.  From blood vessels to the covering of organs to muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments.  Even all of your nerves including the brain and spinal cord, down to your lymphatic system are covered in fascia.  It has been called the largest sensory organ in the body due to the presence of receptors that sense pain, temperature, biochemical changes, and mechanical strain.  Fascia has been proven to be contractile and can adversely affect the mechanics of the body when stuck in a strain pattern.  It is the medium through which we communicate with the body mind when applying Counterstrain treatment.

What can you help me with?

  • Alleviating and/or eliminating pain anywhere in your body mind
  • Restoring lost motion, improving joint function and muscle flexibility
  • Enhancing immune function (Lymphatic and Vein treatment)
  • Assisting with clearing sinus pain/congestion
  • Addressing numbness and tingling
  • Increasing strength and endurance
  • Improving Posture and Structural Alignment
  • Draining of swelling
  • Improved Sleep
  • Improving digestive function
  • Making the body more resilient, preventing future reoccurrence of symptoms or injury
  • Getting you back to your favorite activities ASAP

Do you accept insurance?

Chris Michels Physical Therapy is an out of network provider with insurance companies, which means that I am a fee-for-service clinic.  I take payment at the time of treatment and will provide you with a bill that you can submit to your insurance provider for reimbursement.  I will not participate in getting authorization from an insurance provider.  I will also not communicate with insurance companies regarding your reimbursement.  Check with your insurance company to understand their policy on seeing a provider out of network and how much they will reimburse you for going out of network.  I see a number of clients following car accidents who use their auto insurance successfully.

Why see you when I can use my insurance for physical therapy?

In a fee for service model I am able to spend a lot more time with you.  You will receive better quality of care due to my eclectic skill set, which means you will get better in a shorter amount of time and back to the things you love to do, ultimately saving money in the long run.

How much does it cost to see you?

Treatments are $175 for an hour of care.  Once you are an established client you can see me for a half hour tune up session for $87.50  You can choose to use your health savings account (HSA/FSA) or pay by cash, check or credit card for your convenience.

Where are you located?

 My office is located in the heart of the Hollywood District close to Whole Foods in the Portland Fashion Institute building.  My office is on the 2nd floor, room #208.  I am one block North of Sandy Blvd. and 43rd at 4301 NE Tillamook St. Portland, OR 97213

How often do I need to come in for treatment?

Once every 2 weeks is recommended for most conditions.  The body needs some time to integrate and adjust after each treatment.  Recent injuries such as an ankle sprain and some chronic conditions may require weekly treatment for a few weeks for best results.  After your initial evaluation you will be given a better idea of what is best for your unique situation.

How much treatment will I need to feel normal again?

It depends on the nature and severity of your condition, however most patients report relief as quickly as the first session or in a few days following treatment.  Some conditions can be resolved in as little as one session whereas others may require 3-4 sessions or more.  A few months may be required when there are multiple body regions that need to be addressed.  If there is absolutely no change after 3-4 sessions, then I am not the therapist for you and I will kindly refer your care to another provider or recommend further diagnostic testing such as diagnostic ultrasound or an MRI or X-rays to rule out any underlying pathology that may be interfering with your recovery.

Do I need a prescription from a doctor in order to see you?

No, here in Oregon we have direct access, which means that if you hurt yourself you can come directly to me without a referral and be evaluated and treated.  It is easier to get you better quickly if you see me in a timely manner following the onset of symptoms.  Don’t wait and think it will eventually go away.  If I think you need to be referred to another healthcare provider I may do so depending on the findings during your initial examination.

I’m also seeing another practitioner for my condition is that ok?

 Yes, my services are complimentary to other modalities such as acupuncture, chiropractic, and massage.  However, if you have not been getting cumulative results from these services I would recommend taking a break while you are seeing me.  Each situation is different and sometimes too much stimulation from different techniques may overwhelm the body in its journey toward getting better, especially if symptoms are being chased and the root of the problem is not being directly treated.

Physical Therapy FAQ