Treatment Philosophy

Chris-Michels (35) Treatment Philosophy

Not all physical therapy is created equal.  For some patients the letters PT stand for “Pain and Torture” which subscribes to an outdated belief that it has to hurt for the treatment to work. “No Pain, No Gain” mentality.

I don’t believe in forcing the body do something that doesn’t feel good.  Beating up on tight muscles, excessive stretching of muscles or nerves, or prescribing non specific ineffective exercises is not what has worked for me and my clients.  I believe PT stands for Personalized Therapeutics.  Each person needs a personalized and detailed examination and treatment approach that is unique to their anatomy and history.  

Chris’ Tool Box:

Strain Counterstrain/Positions of Comfort Great for tight protective muscles that don’t respond to stretching, lack of mobility, muscle weakness from inhibition, and pain that is aggravated with movement or prolonged sitting or standing.

Joint Manipulation/Mobilization – Normalizes stuck joints and improves their ability to shock absorb, reduces muscle spasm, helps correct abnormal posture, and improves strength.

Transverse Massage – Addresses chronic localized pain of tendons and ligaments that have healed poorly following a strain or sprain.  Works especially well for tendonitis.  Restores pain free movement patterns and prevents reoccurrence of injury.

Therapeutic Exercise – Used to correct longstanding poor postural habits, addresses movement impairment dysfunction, strengthens connective tissue and joints as well as improve circulation and endurance.

Education – Tools for self care and home management, self treatment strategies, use of external supports and braces as needed.

“The right force applied at the right place for the right amount of time achieves the lasting correction”.    -Chris Michels-

Treatment Philosophy